星期六, 一月 07, 2006
School's starting and I'm not sure if i'm mentally prepared. Hope it's not goin to b another "battle" with the tutors. SOmehow I still mind tellin my (horrid) grades to frens. Like lowering their opinions of me already. Hmmm it's ridiculous but true - my (perceived) (bad) opinion (in design) affected my dress sense. Somehow I kept tinkin I shld dress less *nice* and less *funky* and be more *normal* in sch since my design sense *sux*.
I know it sounds terribly exaggerated and unneccessary. But den if I act this way I'm already losing the *battle* against @()#*$(%*%HIM (not God *sheez*). *NONONONO* *Y shld I be so bothered by HIS opinions. ARGH I hate to be in this one sided affair. *OK I really dislike him - I tink he's hypocritical, he's lacking in teaching skills, his design theory failed, he's egoistic and arrogant, he's like poison in a sugar coated candy. *PUKEPUKEPUKE*
I muz b strong! gogoJIAYOU *lol*
nothing else matters on1/07/2006 10:31:00 上午