星期二, 十二月 21, 2004
Has been a loong time since my last entry. Everytime when i got an urge to write something online i hesitated cox i'm not sure if i wan pple to c them....But wat are online blogs for anyway..they're precisely for other pple to read abt....Anyway i can't b bothered to tink abt so much le....Juz wanna add some thoughts in here while waiting for siwei to call.....(will he??)
Realise how diverse guys nineteen-twenty years of age can get.....there are absolute gentlemens as well as total freaks who are stubbornly, perpetually in constant denial of their desperate and lonely and sad self. They are a loathsome bunch tryin to fit in society by phrasing their loneliness as coolness yet unable to stop their conversation (monologe) once they get their hands on innocent, passive listeners like me whilst giving the listener (aka me) the idea that it is the listener (ME) who wans to listen to them and not bcox they want to tell me about themselves. It is absolutely traumatising.
nothing else matters on12/21/2004 01:01:00 上午